Lithuanian Maltesers’ are launching new social initiative – Call a friend #3x3x3

Let’s break the quarantine silence! On the 8th of April 2020 we are launching simple, hopefully, powerful initiative – “Call a Friend #3x3x3”. We initiative each of Lithuanian citizen to call at least three friends, long seen or single, and chat with them for at least 3 minutes. As simple as that!
We hope, this initiative will help to extend helping hand for the isolated, lonely and sick people in the times of COVID -19 crisis, encourage people of Lithuania to communicate with their relatives, neighbors, friends, remember the needies.
At this time of anxiety and uncertainty, those who feel stronger might bring the confidence and support those, who feel lost and depressed in the current crisis. A phone call and small talk can amplify the feeling of community and mutual support. Even more, it can even save lives, prevent suicides or spot an urgent need in medical assistance.
We try to engage young people in social activities and initiatives. Therefore, the keystone of this initiative are Young Maltesers in Lithuania, who will be actively engaged in the implementation of #3x3x3 initiative.
The overall aim of the initiative is to raise awareness of the Lithuanian society to the dramatic situation of the old, lonely and sick beneficiaries and the urgent necessity to help them.
You can join us too!
Call 3 of your friends or acquaintances.
Talk for at least 3 minutes: find out how they are doing. Talk to them about simple things – a book they’ve read, a delicious meal or some other positive news. There are things we can’t control, we don’t know how long this situation will take, but the importance of social distance, the constant encouragement to stay at home can also become a topic of conversation.
Invite each of them to call 3 of their friends and acquaintances! When you feel that the mood of the interlocutor is improving, the fears are fading, encourage him to call three more friends and talk about such things. Thus, such a chain of positivity will stretch through our homes and unite us as a sizeable united community.
Feel free to share the initiative on social media (follow us on Facebook “Maltiečiai“ or „Jaunieji maltiečiai“. Use #3x3x3 to promote and encourage a network of people calling others.
Perhaps in this face of uncertainty, anxiety, fear, your conversation will give the confidence to end a pandemic and quarantine.