The campaign ‘Maltesers’ Soup’ was successful – elders will receive the support all year

For the last two months of 2019, Maltesers have organized the annual support campaign ‘Maltesers’ Soup’. It was already 14th time when people were invited to support ‘Maltesers’ Soup’. Even though we continually organize this campaign but the main problem of our society remains the same. Our lonely and poor elders still live beyond the poverty line, and the majority of them would hardly survive without our help. Our goal was to collect 260 000 EUR so that 2600 elders, would be supported by food for all year. We are proud to say afterward – we have managed to reach this goal.
All the collected funding for 2020 will be distributed in the following order: 186 000 EUR (71.5 %) will be used for elderly food support; 53 500 EUR (20.5 %) – services and equipment needed for elderly home care; 10 500 EUR (4.2 %) – for training program of Malteser volunteers and 10 000 EUR (3.8 %) for buying necessary equipment for senior care home.
The majority of the collected money will be set for elderly food support (for the project ‘Meals on Weals’). Warm meals that we daily provide for our elders allow us to ensure that they have something to eat (especially those who cannot take care of themselves anymore). According to the project, we deliver thermoses (850-900 ml) of a warm meal. A part of that meal is eaten straightaway with the help of Malteser volunteers. The rest part of the meal is left in a pot so that the elder could easily warm it up later.
For the raised money we also provide food products. The products are delivered to those elders who can still cook for themselves. Food packages are delivered by Malteser volunteers who also assist our elders to prepare their meals.
Another part of our expenditure goes for services and equipment needed for elderly home care (firewood, repair works, household and hygiene products, medical services, transportation, farm works, and others). Collected funding is only used when our Malteser volunteers are not capable to provide assistance by themselves or there is a need to purchase something additional.
The small part of the collected funding is given for the training program of Malteser volunteers and for buying necessary equipment for the senior care home. In 2020 we are planning to open the first Malteser senior care home that is mainly funded by the Order of Malta the Global Fund for Forgotten People. We already have premises for the senior care home but the current place is not suitable for the elderly at the moment, especially those with reduced mobility. Therefore, a part of our collected funding will be used to install specially adjusted sanitary units and elevators. Malteser retirement homes will be opened in Viekšnaliai village, Telšiai region where the demand of such institution is very relevant.
We all want to say a big thank you for all the people who donated for the ‘Maltesers’ Soup’ campaign. Our special gratitude goes to our long-time ambassador President Valdas Adamkus. According to him, ‘Maltesers’ Soup’ has eventually became the annual Christmas tradition. Participation in the campaign always helps to remember those who need our assistance and this is the most important Christmas miracle. President Valdas Adamkus also happily mentioned that ‘Maltesers’ Soup’ allows all of us to open our hearts for those who are the most vulnerable in society.