Klaipėda Maltesers recieved an award for their work to the city

This year’s award for service work for the city of Klaipėda was presented to the Order of Malta Relief Service in Lithuanian Klaipėda goup. This poroposal made by Mayor Vytautas Grubliauskas was approved on February 12th by the municipal council.
This award is given in commemoration of the Day of the Restoration of the State of Lithuania – this tradition has been cherished in Klaipėda since 2004. In commemoration of the 16th of February, the flag of Klaipeda was presented to the President of the Order of Malta in Lithuania – Bronius Einars.
Last year, Kliapėda Group made a significant contribution to the 15th campaign of “Malteser’s Soup”. The city group became the embassy of the entire campaign last year. A record sum- over 490,000 euros – was raised, which will help to make a significant contribution to the well-being of the seniors. In addition to these works, the Malteser group also contribute to the of other vulnerable groups in society – the disabled, refugees, children with special needs – to ensuring their integration and fulfilling life. An exceptional and particularly important cannotherapy program for children with special needs was launched a few years ago, which helps them to participate more smoothly in the educational process.
The first aid training and program, provided by Klaipėda Maltesers, is also extremly valuable and necessary for the society and is very appriaciated at various events. In 2018 children day care center was opened withthe help of Klaipėda Maltesers. The center is is attended by children from families experiencing financial and social difficulties, children with learning, behavior and adjustment difficulties at school, growing up in single-parent families and experiencing a crisis period.
This organization is one of the key contributors that has provided and continues to provide comprehensive assistance to the groups most affected by the pandemic. Maltese volunteers safely deliver food and medicine to lonely seniors. During this difficult period, when many people lack human connection, the young Maltesers of Klaipėda initiated an emotional support campaign for seniors, making it possible to call and just talk at any time. During the first quarantine, the organization’s volunteers assisted specialists from the National Center for Public Health.
Už visus Klaipėdos miestui padarytu darbus meras atsidėkodamas maltiečiams įteikė Klaipėdos miesto vėliavą organizacijos prezidentui Broniui Einars. MOPT didžiuojasi klaipėdiečių grupe ir linki jiems visokeriopos sėkmės bei dar didesnio ryžto ir pastangų ateities darbuose.
The Mayor thanked the Maltese for all the work done for the city of Klaipeda and presented the flag of the city of Klaipeda to the President of the organization Bronius Einars. We are proud of the group of Klaipėda and wish themsuccess and even greater determination and effort in future works.
Information from: https://bit.ly/3bbw3aV